Thursday, April 3, 2014

like steel, like iron, like diamond

we've sold our souls to each other. maybe one day we'll ask to revoke the contract.

April dates are as follows :

4/10 with the hyper intensified boys of UNSTOPPABLE DEATH MACHINES, Boyfrndz, and Noxious Foxes at St. Vitus ----> 1120 Manhattan Ave

4/12 yayay <3 <3 PRINCESS DANCE PARTY hosted by the Aphrodite Kristina Tequila w/ Lodro, Sunflower Bean, Beiju + DJs Cassie Ramone (*piscesartmagick*), Ileana Little (*fiercelionessbitch*), and Tequila herself. All at THE FLAT -------> 308 Hooper St

4/18 The Gutter   :)

4/29 @ Death By Audio with our friend Gay Bobs' new band CCTV, Survival, and Public Hex. This is a benefit for FRENA, an organization that is resisting mining and displacement in Guatemala.
