Wednesday, April 1, 2015

All-Female Is Not A Genre

I came home from a two week tour a few days ago and went to my parents house to relax before heading back to NYC. They live near the water and are pleasant people so it's a pretty ideal environment. My parents like to keep up with my band and the situations we get ourselves into so they kept an eye on what was happening at South by Southwest. Nearly immediately upon my arrival my father wanted to know what i thought about the Prettiots. I don't really have an opinion - they are a cute folk pop band that is pretty twee with an almost musical theater quality but with biting lyrics. The conversation continued into dinner though - the Prettiots were everywhere at SXSW and my father thought it was definitely a talking point for the festival and had a lot to do with my band considering they were ---- all-female. In fact, yes i've heard a lot about them, my other two band members even brought them up when we were leaving Austin - almost in disdain. Not because they are a poor band (they're not), but because we are easily being lumped into the same category as them, when in reality, we have nothing to do with them. And here's the truth we came to : All-female band is not a genre.

We were recently put on Billboard's Best All-female Band list excellently compiled by Maria Sherman. We were very grateful for being included, especially along side bands such as Sleater-Kinney, The Coathangers, Pussy Riot, Dum Dum Girls and all the others - but i couldn't help feeling that i couldn't wait for the day when the title "all-female band" became redundant. Granted, I recognize the need for these bands to be grouped together right now. All female acts are still underrepresented in music and there is currently a rennaissance like uprising and demand that seems to be coming into place like never before. It's fantastic and a huge breath of fresh air. However, even thinking back to Riot Grrl, which I hold on a tier next to Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the suffragists in its influence on females in music, I still can't help but point out that, arguably, Le Tigre was electro punk, Babes In Toyland was grunge, Bikini Kill was pop punk, etc. Riot Grrl was a moniker and an absolutely gutsy and brave statement for an ART MOVEMENT that was completely necessary at the time. To be honest with you though, my direct influences for the band i'm in are more along the lines of The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, Spacemen 3, Can, and Les Rallizes Denudes. I feel that my project, if categorized at all, belongs somewhere along that lineage. Noticeably absent are female acts, and i reiterate -- that's why there is a demand for these bands right now. Our history is nearly void of female music. There is no room left for the boy's club mentality - and yes, ask any female act around that comes from underground culture and they will tell you it still exists.

  I can speak for my band when i say that we support all women in music and maybe more so the all female projects out there because we know from six plus years of experience how difficult and how long it takes to be taken seriously (we're not even there yet). We admire completely the work of Savages, who in their gothic post punk glow give the best live performance I have personally ever seen; Dark Sister, an up and coming southern rap duo who are fierce in radical verse and gorgeous beats; Teen, a mind blowing emotional force, feeding straight up Lou Reed-like zeal and Bowie-like music detail ; Palberta, math rock meets no-wave in chaotic ordered execution. These bands are incredible, but the only thing they all have in common aside from making quality, maybe even thought provoking, emotionally expansive music -is that they all have vaginas and can maybe each grow a baby in their bellies some day.
   I am writing this in hopes that we can further along the process of seeing past the gender binary and come to the realization that all-female, all-male and mixed gender bands are all on the same playing field. I write this in hopes that little girls will be encouraged and inspired to make music with other little girls (and anyone for that matter) let alone be inspired to make rock and roll music themselves in the first place.That they can make music on their own terms without being marginalized.
      In general, the gender binary has to die. There is no need to separate men from women in ANY profession anymore.


-Amanda Salane

Ps.  ADVAETA has decided to not break up this year. Instead we are getting married in a giant homo polygamous ceremony. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

post life

hey ya'll

we've been working super hard for the last year and finally finished our album! we're playing a bunch of shows in June as well. Look to the right for dates!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

like steel, like iron, like diamond

we've sold our souls to each other. maybe one day we'll ask to revoke the contract.

April dates are as follows :

4/10 with the hyper intensified boys of UNSTOPPABLE DEATH MACHINES, Boyfrndz, and Noxious Foxes at St. Vitus ----> 1120 Manhattan Ave

4/12 yayay <3 <3 PRINCESS DANCE PARTY hosted by the Aphrodite Kristina Tequila w/ Lodro, Sunflower Bean, Beiju + DJs Cassie Ramone (*piscesartmagick*), Ileana Little (*fiercelionessbitch*), and Tequila herself. All at THE FLAT -------> 308 Hooper St

4/18 The Gutter   :)

4/29 @ Death By Audio with our friend Gay Bobs' new band CCTV, Survival, and Public Hex. This is a benefit for FRENA, an organization that is resisting mining and displacement in Guatemala.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the split

Hey everyone

This is a pretty sad day for us as we've all decided that it's time for ADVAETA to end. Our tour date in New Orleans made us realize that this current life path is a farse and ended in us ridiculing and questioning our own motives as a musical entity. Have you ever had a broken toy you kept trying to fix over and over but it just wouldn't fix? it's possible if you just accepted it as it was you would have realized the impossibility in perfiction and recognized the beauty and stillness in being chaos but it's too late now; the polly pocket without a head is gone. it became too minuscule to live in the immaculate fold up plastic house.

Now that this is over, Lani will be reforming her short lived band of last year Thrice The Time In Moment's Window Thursday, Sara is finally getting a breast reduction, and Amanda is falling into the quicksand abyss of her obsessions.

it's been real. we love you so so much it's crazy.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

so we named our album, that's pretty kewl. not gonna tell you what it is.!!!!!!!

so we got a twitter, duno what that is but it has nice pictures on it. this is what it is :

Monday, December 30, 2013


hey! we're almost finished mixing our first album.

here's a poem by Yoko Ono. happy new year, make it a good one.

Bless you for your anger
For it is a sign of rising energy.
Direct not to your family, waste not on your enemy.
Transform the energy to versatility
And it will bring you prosperity.

Bless you for your sorrow
For it is a sign of vulnerability.
Share not with your family, direct not to yourself.
Transform the energy to sympathy
And it will bring you love.

Bless you for your greed
For it is a sign of great capacity.
Direct not to your family. Direct not to the world.
Transform the energy to giving.
Give as much as you wish to take
And you will receive satisfaction.

Bless you for your jealousy
For it is a sign of empathy.
Direct not to your family, direct not to your friends.
Transform the energy to admiration
And what you admire
Will become part of your life.

Bless you for your fear
For it is a sign of wisdom.
Do not hold yourself in fear.
Transform the energy to flexibility
And you will be free
From what you fear.

Bless you for your search of direction
For it is a sign of aspiration.
Transform the energy to receptivity
And the direction will come to you

Bless you for the times you see evil.
Evil is energy mishandled and it feeds on your support.
Feed not and it will self-destruct
Shed light and it will seize to be.

Bless you for the times you feel no love.
Open your heart to life anyway
and in time you will find
love in you

Bless you, bless you, bless you.
Bless you for what you are.
You are a sea of goodness, a sea of love.
Count your blessings every day
            for they are your protection
Which stands between you and what you wish not.
Count your curses
            and they will be a wall
Which stand between you and what you wish.

The world has all that you need
And you have the power to attract what you wish.
Wish for health, wish for joy.
Remember you are loved.

I love you

Monday, July 29, 2013

oh hai

did you know that we have a 7"? did you know that we are currently selling it at local record stores in the nyc area near you? here is a list of places and their addresses where you can currently find our lil piece of vinylized Gold Thought Exit and Newo, insert and all. W.O.W. (Wonder Over Wonder) :::

uno : Academy Records (mnhtn : 415 E 12th St, brklyn : 96 N6th st)

two : Kim's Video ( <3 , 124 1st Ave ---> mnhtn)

trois : Record Grouch (986 Manhattan Ave ---> brklyn)

vier : Heaven Street (184 Knoll St ---> brklyn)

ok, see you later